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Tag: bad dog

Zoey, Zoey, Zoey, got to love the puppy Zoey

Zoey, Zoey, Zoey, got to love the puppy Zoey

“Zoey No, Zoey leave it”, two phrases I repeat at least fifty times by noon. Zoey’s 13 month birthday was yesterday, isn’t it supposed to be better now? I guess it is, she stopped eating the coffee table and my dining room chairs. She also stopped eating the tote that holds her toys. However, she is still a very large fan of coffee and if I forget and leave my coffee on the couch unguarded, she knocks it over to…

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A post for my French bulldog Marshmellow

A post for my French bulldog Marshmellow

First we know that marshmallow is spelled with an A but the story of how this little guy got his name goes like this…My daughter and I picked him up at the breeder this little white bumpkin. As we were driving home, I was conversing with my older sister (notice how I put the older dig in their ?). I admitted to getting another dog. Silence fell on the other end of the phone until finally my sister says, “is…

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