Self-love day 6- Doctors, doctors and more doctors

Self-love day 6- Doctors, doctors and more doctors

I’ve been eating right, exercising and going to the doctor as needed. A few weeks ago I saw my specialist for MS. I’ve been seeing a podiatrist for the fungus and the swelling blisters on my toes. Today I’m off to the vascular doctor to discuss the swelling in the extremities and see if I can get any answer to that. Then I have to make the decision if I want to go to the endocrinologist and go further to see if anything is going on with the weight.

Part of having MS, is ruling out other issues that you’re having. Whereas a lot of things may come back to be the MS, it’s important to rule out any other possible things that also could be happening. My neurologist said 99 out of 100 times MS will can cause circulatory issues that can cause swelling. However we need to rule out that you’re not that 1 out of 100 that it isn’t. So I’m taking care of my body going to the doctor and ruling that out. I don’t really expect to find an answer, she didn’t really expect to find an answer, but we wanted to know before any decisions were made, is MS causing this.

Just like with the circulatory issue, the weight issue is also being blamed on the MS. Again the question is do I want to take it further to the endocrinologist to rule out any other issue before I say, OK it’s the MS, not much else I can do. We’ve already ruled out some serious issues like diabetes, thyroid issues, or any other disease that would show in abnormal blood work. I’ve had my blood work drawn three consecutive times over the course of a month. It was pretty consistent where nobody is worried about those serious issues. The only other alternative was to go to another doctor that can maybe take it a step further.

Part of self-love is taking care of yourself. You do what you can, but sometimes you have to leave it in the hands of other people. You have to leave it in the hands of your doctors. You have to take the prescribed medicine. You have to listen to the instructions given to you by the specialists. This is all part of self-love. It’s taking care of you with outside help.

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