The Chris Memoli Story

The Chris Memoli Story

I had to go to a pre-prom meeting yesterday for my daughter. I was expecting to see, for the fifth or sixth time, the video of the teenagers who drove drunk and got in a horrific car accidents. They didn’t show a video. Instead they told the story of  this 17 year old boy. He got in a car with a girl who he’d been drinking and smoking with all night.  The boy wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. The car flipped over four times. The girl, who was wearing her seatbelt, walked away with minor injuries, he had severe brain damage. He and his mom were the ones who presented the story. This is his site, this was his story. It reminds us, especially those of us with any chronic condition, that life is worth fighting for.  He was 17 when this happened. It was from a mistake he made, a terrible choice he made, at an age where he felt invincible. However, he turned his tragedy into an amazing story of courage, strength and will. He became an inspiration taking his tragedy to try to help other kids to not make the same mistake. I was so moved by this young man, I wanted to share it with you. Please check out his site.

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