Calm-my New Year Revelation

Calm-my New Year Revelation

I made made the smart decision in my sad state yesterday to see if my life coach was available, luckily she was. She reminded me of something Kris Carr says about life having seasons.  I am in a winter season right now. I’ve planted my seeds, but it’s still to cold for them to grow. I need to have faith that they are planted and that my warmer season will come and my seeds will bloom. I’m in the nestling stage where I’m making changes for my future and I need to believe that I am making positive changes.  Kris Carr and even my life coach says it so much more eloquently but the bottom line is have faith.

The other great thing we discussed was New Years, the recap of the year. We talked about the celebration of the new year and resolutions people make. I’m not a fan of New Years, never was. I find it a dangerous holiday on the roads. However what I think I hate the most is the expectations that because it’s a new year things are going to miraculously change.  If I learned anything through A Course in Miracles, things don’t change if YOU don’t change.

My life coach said she doesn’t do New Year resolutions. By definition: A New Year’s resolution is a tradition, most common in the Western Hemisphere but also found in the Eastern Hemisphere, in which a person makes a promise to do an act of self-improvement or something slightly nice, such as opening doors for people beginning from New Year’s Day. She does revelationsthe act of revealing or disclosing; disclosure. 

I’d rather write my list of things I’d like to see then make a promise of things I should be doing anyway.

  • I’d like to meet the person that matches my energy that we can better BOTH of our lives by being together both spiritually and physically.
  • I’d like to find my true happiness. My peace within, my calm waters.
  • I’d like to fully accept my multiple sclerosis and stop putting false expectations on myself but remain hopeful appreciative for the good not focused on the bad.
  • I’d like my blog to make some income but not loose any of the reason why I write it.
  • I’d like to have financial abundance to be able to concentrate a life to doing for others with fostering and through my blog.
  • I’d like to be the person I know I am.

since I’m not clear on doing these things I ask for the revelation, the path to get me to the next step. This is what I want for the New Year.

I woke this morning not sad like yesterday but calm, reflective. Not on the past year but on the day I had yesterday. I thank everyone for the kind words and the support. It meant a lot to me. I did fortunately get the clarity I needed to let the moment pass and move to a different space.


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