Good bye scale part 2

Good bye scale part 2

imageIt’s been about 2 weeks since I put away the scale and I decided to take it out today and check. The 5lbs that i was up after my weight watchers monthly weigh in binge was gone but nothing else. However what I’ve found most interesting over the last few weeks is my cravings for junk have been almost non existent. I haven’t had any major days of eating uncontrollably. I certainly have let my body be my deciding voice when I get dressed in the morning as opposed to a number on the scale. I will continue with this experiment and update it every 2 weeks. I am still doing the EFT tapping for weight loss and I’m reading 21 day course in miracles for weight loss. So far I’ve stayed the same that is my results at the 2 week mark. weight scale

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